eMill lets you import email addresses from many file formats (txt, html,
csv, doc, etc). This feature is useful to quickly send static content to
a list of distribution not saved to a database. You do not need to open the file
or to have the application installed: eMill scans and recognizes email addresses
from the data stream.
Starting a new project or changing the current data source, check Import from unstructured text
files from the
data source selection box.
Importing from any file
Select Import email addresses from any file:
Type the path or click on the adjacent button to browse for
your file. The path of the source file and the default target database is
displayed (database.mdb)
Importing from the Clipboard
If eMill is not able to import addresses from a file, you can open the file
from its native application and copy the content to the clipboard. eMill
will extract the addresses from the clipboard.
Open the file from its application and copy the content to the clipboard.
Starting a new project or changing the current data source, check Import from unstructured text
files from the
data source selection box and select Import email addresses from the clipboard: