Dialing transformation

If the fax or phone numbers included in your data source are in a format which cannot be exploited directly, eMill offers you the possibility to transform automatically the dialing.


The only number formats which can be exploited are the following ones:


- Dialable Format: it represents a number only applicable from a specific place. For instance, 2125551212 is only applicable from United States.

- International Format: it represents a number applicable from any places. For instance, +12125551212.

- Canonical Format: it represents an international format which displays more clearly the country code, the area code and the fax number. For instance, +1 (212) 555-1212.


The dialing transformation rules will help you to transform your fax and phone numbers into dialable, international or canonical format.

Main steps for creating a transformation rule:


1. Number to Test: At the bottom of the box, you can indicate a fax or a phone number which will be used to check the validity of your new transformation rule.


2. Click on Add to add a new transformation rule.


3. Source Pattern: When rendering faxes or SMS, eMill is going to compare the fax and phone numbers of your data source with the different patterns. When eMill meets a similar format, it will apply the corresponding transformation rule. Therefore, the source pattern must represent exactly the form of the numbers you want to transform. Thus, you will represent each character/figure of your number to transform in the source pattern using the following methods:

- When you meet the following characters in your number to transform: + ( ), you represent it by using the same characters. If you meet any other characters you must not represent them in the source pattern.

- When you meet in your number to transform a figure you want to delete in the resulting number, represent it with a ?

- When you meet in your number to transform a figure you want to include in the resulting number, represent it with a #

- If you want to represent a sequence of figures at the end of a number, represent it with a *


4. Define the resulting number: Once eMill has met a similar format in your data source and in the source pattern list, it transforms your fax or phone number into the format defined by the resulting number. The resulting number must represent a dialable, international or canonical format.


5. Apply your new transformation rule by clicking on OK.


6. Click on Test to check if your new transformation rule is working with the Test Number.



  Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Number to transform 555 1212 1-212-555-1212 011-33468054773
Source Pattern ####### 1###* 011*
Resulting Number +1 (212) ###-#### +1 (###) * +*
Transformed Number +1 (212) 555-1212 +1 (212) 5551212 +33468054773

Example 3: If you want to restrict the application of the transformation rule to numbers starting with the figure 011, you need to include the figure 011 in the source pattern.

Edit a transformation rule:

Priority between the transformation rules:

When rendering messages, eMill will compare the fax and phone numbers of your data source with the different source pattern available. eMill will start its comparison with the first source pattern in the list then the second until he finds a corresponding pattern. Thus, you have the possibility to choose the priority between your transformation rules by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the right of the rules list.

Duplicate a transformation rule for another project:

In order to use the same dialing transformation rules for another project, you have to follow these steps:

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