The URL property sets or gets the content path. The URL property is the default Content Object property.
Sets or returns a String value.
The path can be absolute or relative to the project root path, and can
specify any types of files including Unicode text files.
Parameters can be passed to any script enabled content file using a question
mark. E.g. file.vbs?id=12345678
The Server.URLEncode method can be used to encode parameters (parameters with
spaces, etc.).
If the path is set to an http URL, the Content object will dynamically
fetch the data from a web server.
Mail.Contents("News") = "c:\newsletter\20010601.html"
Mail.Contents("News").TransferEncoding = "base64"
Mail.Contents("PieChart") = ""
Mail.Contents("PieChart").TransferEncoding = "base64"
Contents Collection, Request.QueryString, Server.URLEncode