This code shows the contents of a C# application main file. It uses the bidirectionnal communication mode of Ethernet POS to request printer informations. The printer must be totaly compatible with Epson® ESC/POS commands, and it must be connected directly with Ethernet POS (using an USB port, a serial port or a parallel port).
To test this code, download the project ZIP archive, extract it, and open the solution file (EthPosSample.sln) with Microsoft Visual Studio.
using System; using System.Threading; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO.Pipes; namespace EthPosSample { public partial class Main : Form { const string ESC = "\x1b"; const string FS = "\x1c"; const string GS = "\x1d"; private NamedPipeClientStream pipe; private string printerModel; private byte printerId; private byte printerTypeId; private byte printerRomVid; public Main() { InitializeComponent(); } private void request_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { request.Enabled = false; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { RequestPrinterInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } // Set control values to received or blank values. tbPrinterModel.Text = printerModel ?? string.Empty; tbPrinterId.Text = printerId.ToString(); tbPrinterTypeId.Text = printerTypeId.ToString(); tbPrinterRomVid.Text = printerRomVid.ToString(); request.Enabled = true; Cursor = Cursors.Default; } private void quit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void RequestPrinterInfo() { byte[] read = new byte[1024]; int success = 0; int res; // Reset printer informations before executing commands. printerModel = null; printerId = 0; printerTypeId = 0; printerRomVid = 0; // Printer ID request command. if (SendCmdAndGetReply(GS + "I" + (char)1, read) > 0) { printerId = read[0]; success++; } // Printer Type ID request command. if (SendCmdAndGetReply(GS + "I" + (char)2, read) > 0) { printerTypeId = read[0]; success++; } // Printer ROM Version ID request command. if (SendCmdAndGetReply(GS + "I" + (char)3, read) > 0) { printerRomVid = read[0]; success++; } // Printer model request command. res = SendCmdAndGetReply(GS + "I" + (char)67, read); if (res > 1) { printerModel = Encoding.Default.GetString(read, 1, res - 1).Trim(); success++; } // Close pipe if opened once done. if (pipe != null) { pipe.Dispose(); pipe = null; } // Throw an error if no reply has been received. if (success == 0) throw new Exception("No reply has been received from printer"); } private int SendCmdAndGetReply(string cmd, byte[] read) { // Open pipe on demand. if (pipe == null) { pipe = new NamedPipeClientStream("ethpos_printer_0"); pipe.Connect(5 * 1000); } // Send command as byte array. byte[] rawCmd = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(cmd); pipe.Write(rawCmd, 0, rawCmd.Length); // Read asynchronously. IAsyncResult ar = pipe.BeginRead(read, 0, read.Length, null, null); // Wait for at most 2s, and return read bytes count on success. if (ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(2 * 1000)) return pipe.EndRead(ar); // Timeout occured, in this framework version, the way to cancel // an asynchronous IO is to close and reopen the pipe. pipe.Dispose(); pipe = null; return -1; } } }