eMill uses a set of standard and custom fields to create and receive
messages. Knowing these fields can be useful for settings different actions according to
the headers. Here is a description of some fields:
X-Sender: custom field corresponding to the SMTP sender.
X-Receiver: custom field corresponding to the SMTP receivers.
From: sender email address.
To: receiver email address.
Cc: this field is used by the sender to send an email to
different people.
Reply-To: If a receiver replies to your email directly, the
answer will be sent to the "reply-to" address. If this information is not
available, the answer will be sent to the "From" address. The "reply-to"
address can be indicated in the header properties.
Organization: sender's organization if available.
Subject: email's subject.
Date: display the rendering date for outgoing messages and the
reception date for incoming messages.
X-Priority: This field indicates the priority of the email.
It goes from 1 (Lowest Priority) to 5 (Highest Priority). If this
information is not available, the default priority is 3 (Normal).
Message-ID: The message-ID is created by eMill and is unique
for each message.
X-eMillFax-CallerId: it represents the sender fax number. This
information can be hidden by the sender.
X-eMillFax-Tsid: the Transmitting Station ID (TSID) represents
the ID of the sender fax machine. This string is usually a combination of
the fax number and the organization name. This information is not always
X-eMillFax-Csid: the calling subscriber ID (CSID) represents the
ID of the receiver fax machine. It is transmitted to a fax sender, by the
receiving device, when an incoming fax is detected. The CSID is often a combination of the fax number and the organization name. This information is
not always available.
X-eMillFax-DeviceName: Name of the fax device used to receive the
fax. This information is always available.
X-eMillFax-PageCount: Fax number of pages. This information is
always available.
X-eMillFax-StartTime: Time when the fax reception started. This
information is always available (this field is empty for Windows 2000)
X-eMillFax-EndTime: Time when the fax reception ended. This
information is always available.
X-eMillFax-ExtendedStatus: This header allows you to know if
faxes have been received completely or only partially. This information is
only available for Windows XP and 2003. Each figure represents a status: