Add a New List

When running the New eMill Mailing Project wizard, you will be prompted to select what kind of data source you want to use to create your receivers lists. Once the project is created, you can add a new receivers list or black list by clicking on Project/Add Receivers List or Project/Add Black List.


eMill flexibility allows you to use data from any format:


All database fields selected become available to eMill and are displayed in the Receivers View. According to the communication channel you want to use (email and/or fax and/or SMS), you need to associate the email, the fax and/or the SMS field with their database equivalent. Other fields are the content variables (name, preferences, billing amount, etc.) that can be inserted inside the content using the Insert/Data Source Field option. Note that eMill automatically generates SQL queries to acquire the data, and generates the script inside the content when inserting fields from this option.


Once the list is created, you are able to filter records, to modify field binding and to edit data whether by modifying the project properties or by clicking on View/Properties.

Databases and views: Remember that records displayed in the Receivers View only constitute a VIEW of database information built from queries. If you are allowed and if you do modify records from the Receivers View, you will be in fact modifying the database entries you have linked to. Note that some databases will not allow you to modify or delete its records from the eMill Receivers View.
Linking to other CRM applications: Several CRM solutions do not rely on a single database back end that can be accessed through ADO connect strings and SQL queries. Rather, the data source is split among numerous files of various formats. eMill implements a specific provider that can link a mailing project to ACT! for instance, allowing use of any record stored from that application. eMill will detect ACT! if installed on the same machine and provide the option to link to it through its wizard. Ohter specific providers will be added over time.

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