Queues Window

Click on the Queues icon: The Queues of all published projects are displayed inside the Queue Window. Click on the Design icon: The project is displayed inside the Design Window.
The Queues Window presents you with a view of all published projects (queues) for each eMill Server. Inside each queue, you will find the message folders (Inbox, Outbox, Sent, Aborted). You can click on the items to display the list of folders and files. Right clicking on an item will present you with several options (Delete All, Abort All, Refresh, Select All...), also available from the 'Queue' menu. Check the queue commands available.

Connecting to another eMill Server:

By default, the local eMill Server is displayed from the Queue View, with all projects published onto it. You can also connect to other local or remote networked eMill Servers (eMill Enterprise), and display them from your Queue View.

To add a server, select the menu File/Add Server. Enter the local or remote network name of the machine where eMill Server is running and a description.

If you want to connect to remote eMill servers, you can alternatively specify a dialup or VPN connection to launch before connecting to the eMill server.

Your rights for accessing the remote eMill Server are set from that machine's user account options.

Remote connection to an eMill Server: If you want the eMill Server to be accessed remotely by eMill Windows Client, you must open the TCP port 2156 on the machine where eMill Server is running.


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